BGL Sports Day 2022

BGL Sports Day 2022

Every year the BGL team splits into two teams and we compete in the BGL Sports Day. The goal of BGL Sport Day is to promote teamwork and individual health.

Each year the team colors are decided by committee, and for 2022 it was the Gray Team versus the Gold Team.

BGL Sports Day 2022 was held on July 23rd at a local sports complex, replete with an Opening Parade to start the event and an Awards Ceremony at closing.

The main competition event was dodgeball and there were other smaller games played. BGL Team members not participating in the smaller games stood and cheered on their colleagues.

The competition was fun and fierce throughout the day between the two teams, but the Gray Team emerged as the day’s winner. Of course, both teams came together as one BGL Team at the end of the day.

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